eOrganizer for Social work / Home work

Organize your tasks in social work. Client will order support in home services. Coordinator can see which resources are free or in use. System will calculate work hours and costs (hour cost / project cost).

By using eOrganizer coordinator can make an appointment for the customer and expert services, as well as the salesperson.

Add pictures and other documents. Search documents. Manage your teams and your subcontractor teams.

Worker and  works:

You can keep you record what you have done. You can also add situations what has happened. You can use search engine with various way when you use smart cell phones or tablets or internet connected laptops.

Login demo here:


English versions



Kotihoito; palvelujen järjestäminen; palvelun tilaukset


Hospital; Patient logistic management "demo"


Siivousten organisointi ja tilaus


Kuljetusjärjestelyt /ajojärjestelijöiden koordinointi -sovellus



Software, language versions: English, Finnish



Finnish English